# Link Validation
# link-validator.js
This custom nodejs script (/libs/link-validator.js
) only validates links (with
or without attached anchors)and images in API3 docs. The link validator is a
manual process that should be performed as often as possible. Currently it
cannot be run as a GitHub action.
# Step 1: Build the Docs
Build the docs as usual using the standard build command provided by VuePress.
// From the api3-docs project root
// Build the docs website
yarn docs:build
# Step 2: Start http-server
You can install http-server (opens new window)
globally, npm install http-server -g
or as a dev dependency,
yarn add --dev http-server
Start an instance of http-server to serve the docs. Do not use the normal VuePress live reload server as it will not work with the script. Use any port desired.
cd docs/.vuepress/dist
# Start an http-server.
# Do not use the VuePress live reload server.
http-server -p 8082
# Step 3: Run the Script
Open a new terminal window to run the script. The script's output will display failures as it steps through each file and its links. There will be a summary of all link failures at the end of the script output.
You can run the Link Validator against the entire /dist
folder which will
validate everything (/pre-alpha, v0.5, /common, /dapis, etc.
) but this can be
time consuming. Narrowing the scope of the validation to a particular folder can
hasten the validation process as shown in the code example below. Be sure to use
the correct port displayed by http-server.
# Open a new terminal window.
# Run from the project root.
# Start the nodejs script.
node ./libs/link-validator.js ./docs/.vuepress/dist/airnode/v0.5
# link-validator-repos.js
This custom nodejs script (/libs/link-validator-repos.js
) validates links
(with or without attached anchors) in api3dao
repos that point back to the
https://old-docs.api3.org documentation site. This validator is a manual process
that should be performed as often as possible. Currently it cannot be run as a
GitHub action.
This script contains its own rewrite mechanism when it encounters the following patterns found in the links.
# Execution
To run this script you must add a file (myGitHubToken.json
) with a personal
GitHub access token.
{ "token": "ghp_hn3WSv9...4QIJ4Q1li2" }
Run the script from the root of a local api3-docs repo.
node ./libs/link-validator-repos.js