📂 Reference

# Airnode Contract Addresses

Use the contract addresses listed in the tables below to interact with Airnode on EVM-compatible blockchains. Additional addresses will be added as contracts are deployed, but feel free to submit a GitHub issue (opens new window) requesting a new deployment.

# AirnodeRrp

Network Chain ID Contract Address
mainnet 1 0xF0a346AA4be63bbedaF3B64277Be9e2D99A059E8 (opens new window)
ropsten 3 0x3B35250Ca54C1Fb8c83D48F21231ef6e4fb9f79D (opens new window)
rinkeby 4 0xC11593B87f258672b8eB02d9A723a429b15E9E03 (opens new window)
goerli 5 0xF6d2675468989387e96127546e0CBC9A384fa418 (opens new window)
kovan 42 0x55Cf1079a115029a879ec3A11Ba5D453272eb61D (opens new window)

# RequesterAuthorizerWithAirnode

Network Chain ID Contract Address
mainnet 1 0x728f307Fd43327bE2fB9Ef61A9f00D956402A35c (opens new window)
ropsten 3 0x8aD9788cFDFc97EDEf0Cb45bd5236B852C44f691 (opens new window)
rinkeby 4 0x38DF5b7120b3B9b27238598d374779a37699379F (opens new window)
goerli 5 0x25C6f371Cf8d4200B89dF84f9dE69d011013B086 (opens new window)
kovan 42 0x2ab9f26E18B64848cd349582ca3B55c2d06f507d (opens new window)
Last Updated: 8/9/2022, 2:28:25 PM