📂 API Providers > Build an Airnode

# Configuring Airnode

Table of Contents

Complete the following before configuring your Airnode.

info This icon links to additional field information in the reference section.

An Airnode is deployed or redeployed using configuration values from its config.json and secrets.env files. The config.json specifies the Oracle Integration Specifications OIS and other specific configuration details. The secrets.env file holds secrets, such as API keys and chain provider URLs, which are referenced within the config.json file using interpolation.

  • The config.json file is used during the deployment/redeployment of an Airnode to configure its behavior and to provide mappings of API operations.

  • The secrets.env file holds values for config.json that must be kept secret.

  • The aws.env file holds AWS credentials for deployments targeted to AWS.

  • The gcp.json file holds GCP credentials for deployments targeted to GCP.

The following example files are useful while reading this doc.

# Creating config.json

Use the config.json template to build your own Airnode configuration file or alter the config.json example file. There are five root level fields in config.json.

# chains

Each row in the chains array represents an Ethereum blockchain the Airnode will serve as identified by the id. Currently Airnode only supports Ethereum blockchains as denoted by type: "evm". There are several supported blockchains, see them in the Airnode contract addresses doc. You can use multiple chain providers for each chain and declare multiple chains each with one of more chain providers. See Chains Providers in Concepts and Definitions.

Below is a simple chain array with a single chain provider.

"chains": [
    "authorizers": [
    "contracts": {
      "AirnodeRrp": "0xa0AD79D995DdeeB18a14eAef56A549A04e3Aa1Bd"
    "id": "4",
    "providers": {
      "infura_rinkeby": {
    "type": "evm",
    "options": {
      "txType": "eip1559",
      "priorityFee": {
        "value": 3.12,
        "unit": "gwei"
      "baseFeeMultiplier": 2,
      "fulfillmentGasLimit": 500000
    "maxConcurrency": 100,
    "blockHistoryLimit": 300,
    "minConfirmations": 0

# authorizers

info The list of authorizer contract addresses the Airnode deployment will set on-chain. See the Authorization doc for more information.

# contracts

info Contains the addresses of the contracts that implement the Airnode protocols. Although you can deploy these contracts yourself, you are recommended to use the ones that were deployed by API3. You can find them in the list above.

# id

info An Airnode can serve multiple chains simultaneously. Set the ID of the desired chain in id (e.g., 4 for Rinkeby test network). See the list of supported chains in the Airnode Contract Addresses doc. See additional definition in the reference section.

# providers

info Airnode can use multiple Ethereum providers per chain. These could be a private Ethereum node, or an Ethereum service provider such as Infura. Accordingly, the providers field is a list which allows for multiple Ethereum providers. Enter a user defined name which identifies the provider and the provider URL which usually is kept in the secrets.env file. The name is used in logs.

# type

info The type of the chain. Only evm is supported at this time. See additional definition in the reference section.

# options

info An object that configures chain-related options.

  • txType: The transaction type to use.
  • priorityFee: An object that configures the EIP-1559 Priority Fee.
  • baseFeeMultiplier: Configures the EIP-1559 Base Fee to Maximum Fee Multiplier.
  • fulfillmentGasLimit: The maximum gas limit allowed when Airnode responds to a request. If exceeded, the request is marked as failed and will not be repeated during Airnode's next run cycle. This is the transaction gas cost the requester pays when a response to its request is placed on-chain.

    fulfillmentGasLimit = 500000

    500000 _ 200 _ 1e9 = 0.1 ETH

# maxConcurrency

info Airnode is designed to scale well with the number of requests made. To accomplish this, it spawns new cloud functions (called handlers) when necessary and these handlers run in parallel.

The maximum concurrency specifies the maximum number of concurrent handler calls per single Airnode invocation. Airnode is reserving (AWS (opens new window)) and limiting (AWS (opens new window), GCP (opens new window)) the number of spawned cloud functions based on this field. If you want to disable this behavior, take a look at the disableConcurrencyReservations field in the cloudProvider section.

If you set this field to value X, then Airnode will guarantee that:

  • At most X api calls are made to the API
  • At most X transactions (made by blockchain providers) will be made by the blockchain providers of the respective chain

When doing this, Airnode will calculate the total number of requests reported by all blockchain providers. If this number exceeds the maximum concurrency limit, Airnode will start processing the oldest request from the blockchain providers until the number of processed requests reaches the limit. All other requests are dropped and will be processed in the next Airnode run.

Note that this request dropping happens for each chain separately.

For example, if maxConcurrency is set to 5 and there are three providers (A, B and C) and they reported the following requests:

  • A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5
  • B1, B2 and B3
  • C1 and C2

The above example results in the following requests: A1, A2, B1, B2, and C1.


Note, that this limit only applies to the requests initiated on chain. For example, requests initiated using HTTP gateway are not included in this limit.

Also note that, this limit is configured per chain and the limits of different chains are unrelated to each other.

# blockHistoryLimit

info The number of blocks in the past that the Airnode deployment should search for requests. Defaults to 300 (roughly 1 hour for Ethereum).

# minConfirmations

info The number of confirmations required for a request to be considered valid. Defaults to 0.

# nodeSettings

The nodeSettings field holds node-specific (Airnode) configuration parameters.

"nodeSettings": {
    "cloudProvider": {
      "type": "aws",
      "region": "us-east-1",
      "disableConcurrencyReservations": false
    "airnodeWalletMnemonic": "${AIRNODE_WALLET_MNEMONIC}",
    "heartbeat": {
      "enabled": true,
      "apiKey": "${HEARTBEAT_API_KEY}",
      "id": "${HEARTBEAT_ID}",
      "url": "${HEARTBEAT_URL}"
    "httpGateway": {
      "enabled": true,
      "apiKey": "${HTTP_GATEWAY_API_KEY}",
      "maxConcurrency": 20
    "httpSignedDataGateway": {
      "enabled": true,
      "maxConcurrency": 20
    "logFormat": "plain",
    "logLevel": "INFO",
    "nodeVersion": "0.6.7",
    "stage": "dev"

# cloudProvider

info Indicates which cloud provider Airnode should be deployed with and its configuration. There are currently three options available: aws, gcp (deployed using the docker deployer-image) and local (deployed using the docker client-image).

  • type: Type of the cloud provider. Can be aws, gcp or local.
  • region: (AWS and GCP only) Refers to which region of the cloud provider Airnode will be deployed at. An example value for AWS would be us-east-1. When using GCP, use zone not a location (opens new window). Note that transferring a deployment from one region to the other is not trivial at this moment (i.e., it does not take one command like deployment, but rather three). Therefore, try to pick a region and stick to it for this specific deployment.
  • disableConcurrencyReservations: (AWS and GCP only) Disables concurency reservations for spawned cloud functions (all of them, including the HTTP gateway one). For more information see maxConcurrency.
  • projectId: (GCP only) Project ID of the GCP project the Airnode will be deployed under.

Learn more about AWS or GCP resources that Airnode uses in the Cloud Resources doc.

# airnodeWalletMnemonic

info An API provider provides a mnemonic to be used as the Airnode's BIP 44 wallet from which the Airnode's address will be derived. It is not required to fund the wallet to run the Airnode but must be funded to announce the xpub of the Airnode on-chain which is optional.

# heartbeat

info At the end of each of Airnode's runs (every minute), Airnode can make an HTTP POST request to a specified URL. This is both to signal that the Airnode is alive and working (useful especially right after the deployment) and also to send some metrics from its run. Turn on the heartbeat functionality by setting all fields in the config.json section nodeSettings.heartbeat. See the Heartbeat doc for more info.

  • enabled: Enable/disable, using true/false, Airnode's heartbeat.
  • url: The URL to make the heartbeat request to.
  • apiKey: The API key to authenticate against the heartbeat URL.
  • id: The Airnode heartbeat ID for accounting purposes.

# httpGateway

info The gateway allows the requesting of defined endpoints without accessing the blockchain. See the HTTP Gateways doc for more info.

  • enabled: Enable/disable, using true/false, Airnode's access to the HTTP gateway.
  • apiKey: A user defined API key to authenticate against the gateway. The key must have a length of between 30 - 120 characters. Do not use the same key for httpGateway and httpSignedDataGateway.
  • maxConcurrency: (optional) A number higher than zero representing the maximum number of serverless functions serving HTTP gateway requests running at the same time. When omitted, there is no maximum concurrency set.

# httpSignedDataGateway

info The gateway allows the requesting of defined endpoints without accessing the blockchain. Responses are signed and can be submitted to the blockchain. See the HTTP Gateways doc for more info.

  • enabled: Enable/disable, using true/false, Airnode's access to the HTTP gateway.
  • apiKey: A user defined API key to authenticate against the gateway. The key must have a length of between 30 - 120 characters. Do not use the same key for httpGateway and httpSignedDataGateway.
  • maxConcurrency: (optional) A number higher than zero representing the maximum number of serverless functions serving HTTP gateway requests running at the same time. When omitted, there is no maximum concurrency set.

# logFormat

info Set one of two possible log formats.

  • json
  • plain

# logLevel

info Set one of four possible log levels.

  • INFO
  • WARN

# nodeVersion

info Of the form #.#.#, this field indicates which node (Airnode) version this config.json is prepared for. Since the config.json format can be expected to change with node versions, using a config.json prepared for one Airnode version with another may result in unexpected issues. See the Releases page of the Airnode repo (opens new window) for available versions.

# stage

info This field allows the deployment of multiple Airnodes with the same provider ID. For example, the same Airnode may have multiple deployments with stage set to a different value (dev, public, prod). stage cannot be longer than 16 characters and can only include lowercase alphanumeric characters (a–z, 0–9) and hyphens (-).

# skipValidation

info This is an optional attribute which decides whether Airnode validates the config.json during deployment or when run in a docker. Possible values are true and false. By default, this flag is set to false.

# triggers

The triggers field allows you to expose Airnode endpoints from an OIS selectively for the RRP protocol or via the HTTP gateway. For example, your OIS may include 10 endpoints, but you may only want to serve 2 for RRP and all 10 for the gateway.

List the endpoints that you want to serve with the request–response protocol (RRP) under triggers.rrp. List the endpoints that you want to serve with the HTTP gateway under triggers.http. List the endpoints which can be used to get the signed data in triggers.httpSignedData. In most cases, you would create a trigger for each endpoint in your OIS object.

"triggers": {
    "rrp": [
        "endpointId": "0xd4b0718c9a3316dbd831e6d01058202e5dde20a116304419f0d79e07a82b46bf",
        "oisTitle": "CoinGecko Requests",
        "endpointName": "coinGeckoMarketData"
    "http": [
        "endpointId": "0xd4b0718c9a3316dbd831e6d01058202e5dde20a116304419f0d79e07a82b46bf",
        "oisTitle": "CoinGecko Requests",
        "endpointName": "coinGeckoMarketData"
    "httpSignedData": [
        "endpointId": "0xd4b0718c9a3316dbd831e6d01058202e5dde20a116304419f0d79e07a82b46bf",
        "oisTitle": "CoinGecko Requests",
        "endpointName": "coinGeckoMarketData"

rrp, http and httpSignedData require an endpointId which can be derived from the oisTitle and endpointName, use the CLI command derive-endpoint-id.

# rrp

info An array of endpoints from OIS that the Airnode will respond to for the RRP protocol. Only endpoints listed here will be served through the RRP protocol AirnodeRrpV0.sol.

  • oisTitle & endpointName: Each trigger has an oisTitle and endpointName that allow you to refer to one of the endpoints in an OIS object. Remember that an Airnode's config.json file can have more than one OIS object.

  • endpointId: Add an endpointId to the trigger which is the ID that a requester will use for on-chain requests to reference a specific trigger. Use the admin CLI command derive-endpoint-id to derive endpoint IDs using the oisTitle and endpointName.

# http

info An array of endpoints from OIS that the Airnode will respond to for the HTTP gateway. Only endpoints listed here can be tested via the HTTP gateway.

  • oisTitle & endpointName: Each trigger has an oisTitle and endpointName that allow you to refer to one of the endpoints in an OIS object. Remember that an Airnode's config.json file can have more than one OIS object.

  • endpointId: Add an endpointId to the trigger which is the ID that a requester will use for on-chain requests to reference a specific trigger. Use the admin CLI command derive-endpoint-id to derive endpoint IDs using the oisTitle and endpointName.

# httpSignedData

info An array of endpoints from OIS that the Airnode will respond to for the signed data requests. Only endpoints listed here can be called to provide the signed data.

  • oisTitle & endpointName: Each trigger has an oisTitle and endpointName that allow you to refer to one of the endpoints in an OIS object. Remember that an Airnode's config.json file can have more than one OIS object.

  • endpointId: Add an endpointId to the trigger which is the ID that a requester will use for on-chain requests to reference a specific trigger. Use the admin CLI command derive-endpoint-id to derive endpoint IDs using the oisTitle and endpointName.

# templates

The templates field allows you to specify templates to be used to make template requests. The array can be left empty if no templates will be used.

# templates Reference

# ois

The ois field is a list OIS objects that Airnode will be serving. This means that a single instance of an Airnode can serve multiple APIs. You can simply copy paste OIS objects that you will be serving into the ois list. Use the previous guide API Integration to create an OIS object.

# apiCredentials

Each entry in apiCredentials maps to a security scheme defined in an OIS (ois[n].components.securitySchemes.{securitySchemeName} and ois[n].security), where oisTitle is the title field of the related OIS, and securitySchemeName is the name of the respective security scheme. These would be myOisTitle and mySecurityScheme in the example below. securitySchemeValue is the value used for the authentication with the security scheme (e.g., the API key).

Use of apiCredentials is not required, leave its array empty if you don't need any security scheme.

// apiCredentials
    "oisTitle": "myOisTitle",
    "securitySchemeName": "mySecurityScheme",
    "securitySchemeValue": "${SS_MY_API_KEY}"
// From the OIS object apiCredentials is referencing
// using the oisTitle/securitySchemeName pair.
  "title": "myOisTitle",
  "components": {
    "securitySchemes": {
      "mySecurityScheme": {
        "in": "header",
        "type": "apiKey",
        "name": "X-api-key"
    "mySecurityScheme": []

# oisTitle

info The ois.title of the OIS where the securitySchemeName can be found.

# securitySchemeName

info The name of a security scheme from ois[n].components.securitySchemes.{securitySchemeName}.

# securitySchemeValue

info The value of the security scheme used (as defined by ois[n].components.securitySchemes.{securitySchemeName} for the authentication. Usually stored in secrets.env.

Based on the setup above Airnode will call the API operation with the following header.

headers: {
  "X-api-key": "834989348HHGTDS_8754",

# Creating secrets.env

The secrets.env file contains values (secrets) such as blockchain provider urls, chain provider urls, etc. These secrets are embedded in config.json using interpolation.

// Sample interpolation value from config.json
"httpGateway": {
  "enabled": true,
  "apiKey": "${HTTP_GATEWAY_API_KEY}"
// Sample variable in secrets.env
// Variable names cannot contain dashes (-) or start with a number.

Use the secrets.env template and refer to Reference > Deployment Files > secrets.env as needed.

# AWS setup (AWS deployment only)

When it is time to deploy the Airnode to AWS, the Docker deployer image will need the AWS credentials to build the node on AWS Lambda.

# Creating aws.env (AWS only)

Follow this video (opens new window) if needed. It will show you how to create an IAM user and get security credentials. Put them in the aws.env file as shown below. See an example file in the reference section.

  • Do not place double quotes (") around the value of each variable.
  • Variable names cannot contain dashes (-) or start with a number.

# GCP setup (GCP deployment only)

When it is time to deploy the Airnode to GCP, the Docker deployer image will need the GCP project ID to build the Airnode.

# Creating a GCP project

First, you need to create a GCP project (opens new window) under which will the Airnode be deployed. Once the project is created, insert its projectId into your config.json.

# Enable required API

In order for Airnode to deploy successfully, you need to enable App Engine Admin API (opens new window) for your GCP project. After enabling it, wait a few minutes before the deployment itself so the change will take place.

# Creating a Service Account

Create a new service account from the Service accounts (opens new window) menu. Grant this service account access to the project by adding a role Owner during the creation process.

Once the account is created, add a new access key of type JSON for this account. Download the key file as gcp.json into the root of your project.

# Summary

In this guide you created the config.json, secrets.env and obtained cloud provider credentials required to deploy an Airnode to a cloud provider. Note that config.json is user-specific and therefore it is not much use to others.

The secrets.env, aws.env and gcp.json files contains keys, chain provider urls and security credentials, so they should be kept secret. Make sure that you do not push your credentials to a repository or otherwise expose them as these credentials can be used to gain access to your Airnode's private key, AWS account or GCP account.

The next three steps in this guide are optional.

Last Updated: 8/23/2022, 2:00:04 PM