This section is a very brief and high level overview of staking with the DAO. To
access and participate in the DAO you will need to connect a web3 wallet such as
MetaMask. If you do not have one please create one first.
Connect your wallet by clicking the Connect Wallet button in the upper right
hand corner. Select your wallet from the popup. Be sure your wallet is connected
to the mainnet for production use. Once connected you can view the DAO dashboard
showing stake and reward status. Click the image below to see the dashboard.
On the left is the annual percentage yield which is the return on investment
after one year. Below that is current inflation rate. Rewards are updated weekly
based on the percentage of the staking target met, which is calculated by the
staked amount divided by the staking target.
At the bottom of the page there are two sections, Balance and Staking. The
balance section allows you to deposit and withdraw your tokens while the staking
section allows you to stake and unstake your tokens.
Before tokens can be staked you must deposit them in the DAO pool. Doing so will
remove them from your wallet and place them into the DAO pool under the control
of its smart contracts. Deposited tokens show as WITHDRAWABLE can be removed
from the DAO pool at any time and returned to your wallet.
When you stake your deposited tokens you will be granted the right to create and
vote on proposals. In addition you will earn rewards. Rewards are updated every
seven days and are proportional to the number of tokens you have staked in the
DAO pool (as a percentage of the DAO pool).
Click the Stake button.
The tokens available to stake depends on the number deposited and are
available to withdraw as displayed in the Balance box as WITHDRAWABLE.
Enter the number of tokens to stake (or select the Max link) and click
the Stake button.
The DAO uses an adaptive reward system to incentivize staking. Rewards are
updated every seven days and are proportional to the amount of tokens that you
have staked. Rewards will increase to incentivize staking when the pool runs low
and decrease to reduce submissions when the pool is well funded. To see the
current funding status, you can see the percentage of target met which is
calculated by the total amount staked divided by the staking target.
Unstake tokens and claims rewards. To incentivize governance responsibilities
and protect the DAO's long term interest rewards are locked for one year. You
can unstake your tokens at any time but you can only claim rewards after the one
year locking period ends. Note that unstaking will revoke your most recent
weekly reward payment. To protect the DAO from proposal spam, unstaking is
subject to a seven day waiting period.
Click the Initiate Unstake link.
Enter the number of tokens to unstake (or select the Max link) and click
the Initiate Unstaking button.
Confirm the transaction by clicking the Initiate Unstaking button in the
Seven day wait period
To protect the DAO from proposal spam, unstaking is subject to a seven day
waiting period.