API3 Documentation

Decentralized APIs for Web 3.0

  • Airnode

    First-party serverless oracle node that solves the Web3 API connectivity problem.

  • OIS

    Oracle Integration Specifications - linking Airnode endpoints to API operations.

  • dAPIs

    Power your dAPP with quantifiably secure data feeds from curated sources.

  • ChainAPI

    Enable your API to be called by smart contracts and applications running on the decentralized web.

  • QRNG

    Quantum random number generation provided as an oracle service.

  • DAO Members

    API3 DAO structure, functionality, and resources.

  • API3 Overview

    Resources for learning more about the project and its mission.

  • Decentralized APIs

    Create powerful decentralized applications with API3's decentrally governed and quantifiably secure data feeds.

    Real-World Data

    API3 data feeds, dAPIs, aggregate data from first-party oracles, operated by some of the world’ premier API providers.

    API Provider Operated

    Fully serverless oracle nodes that can be deployed by any API provider for free, and requires minimal day-to-day management.

    API3 documentation is kept as a regular repository of Markdown files for everyone to contribute. Feel free to create issues (opens new window) for discussions, proposed additions and changes.

    MIT Licensed (opens new window)